Headline: Fake news is not our friend.
Body copy: We’re absolutely committed to helping to reduce the spread of what is commonly described these days as fake news. We’re doing this by employing large numbers of expertly trained fact-checkers right across the world, seeking to improve the cutting-edge technology that identifies fake news and giving you all the in-depth background information that you need on the articles that are in your News Feed.
Call to action: Find out how we’re addressing the spread of fake news by going to fb.me/fbchangesAU
Insert: Facebook logo
Headline – Fake news is not our friend
Body copy – Reducing fake news by employing experts.
Call to action – Find out how we’re addressing the spread of fake news
Insert – Facebook logo
Female car drivers 18-25
HEADLINE: everyone has someone to come home to
- What would your grandmother say
- You little sister needs you home
- Respect your family
- Imagine your mothers beside you
- Look out for others on the road
- Don’t drive blind
- Texting while driving distracts you from the road. Focus
- Look-up
- Everyone has someone to come home to
“Everyone has someone to come home to”
This is the strongest headline because it is equally sensitive and personal focusing on family and the importance of coming home to your family.